Now that all the hateration of Valentine's day is over, maybe we can get back to being unapologetically sappy about love. More specifically about that beauty and horror that is first love. There's nothing sweeter than the age old story of boy meeting his first object of desire and wooing and courting and loving as pure as a summer's breeze. Of course, as the story goes, the star-crossed lovers are plagued by an unaccepting society and their love bubble is popped. In the wake of the tragedy, our hero drifts away into the sunset, possibly hopeful, perhaps one day to reunite with his true love or simply honored and touched to have known such grace and bliss.
If this story sounds familiar to you maybe it's because you're a hopeless romantic, just like the profound team. Or, maybe it's because your human. Before you start running for your pimp swag, take a second to watch the unbelieveably tender and touching French film The Red Balloon. Originally made in 1956, this film has become a quintessential part of childhood as its entered the grammar school classrooms everywhere. It is a beautiful portrayal of "the first love" story, with a twist that is as innocent as it is honest. So without further hesitation, please join Profound in celebrating love by watching The Red Balloon below.
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