Picking the winner is just so difficult, but in doing so, we felt the #1 prize should go to, Saud Ahmad. The reason we picked him was because although his concept was different than what we had in mind when creating the collection, it was unique and well expressed. We liked the power in his statement that packed a punch. From the concept of Kings and Peasants seemings so ancient, but in fact just evolving, to the materialism of this world, and our duty as independent free thinkers to free ourselves from that mental slavery to humbling ourselves as all peasants at the end of the day, Saud showed that we ultimately choose who we want to king, be it a higher power, or something/someone that you hold in high regard. At the end it is all about passion.
You may ask, what was our interpretation when we came up with "Kings and Peasants"? Well, we felt our running up, Steven Duong, explained it quite well: "It does not matter if you’re a king, or a peasant because We are all the same. We are all interconnected to each other one way or the other, but we are all different at the same time, we have our own goals, thoughts, feelings, desires, needs, preferences. Profound aesthetic is a brand to bring people together, to relate, to connect. Even though we all come from different places, different point of views, different social classes, and speak different tongues, our minds think and our hearts beat as one." He pretty much summed up what we were trying to accomplish: whether king or peasant, everyone should be able to relate to greatness.
Lastly, we picked Sanna Saeed for beautifully articulating her viewpoint and nicely tying in what the collection meant to her as well as how it related to the overall theme of our brand and concluding that when it comes to Profound Aesthetic, there is always more to the story than just a piece of garment. Well put, Saana.
Congrats to the winners and shout-out to everyone that submitted an answer.
Winner 1 gets to select any one item from the entire website, including the new Kings and Peasants Collection. Runner Ups get to pick either 2 Bracelets or a Tee. Email us at info@profoundaesthetic.com to claim your prizes!
Shit was rigged !! Lol