What in God's name? A Russian mathematician solves a 100-year-old math problem and wins $1 Million (you read right, a mil.) from the U.S. Clay Mathematics Institute.
Dr. Grigory Perelman is currently living in a cockroach-infested apartment (a million dollars would really be life changing given his circumstances) but he won't accept the prize because he doesn't feel as if his contribution to math is any more significant than anyone else that has worked on the problem before him.
I mean, that is really humble of him, but did he forget that he SOLVED the problem. That's pretty significant to me. But to some, money is nothing but a means of survival and it seems like Dr. Perelman is doing just fine with his current living situation. Money isn't everything. Take a look at the video to get a bit more insight. Really interesting.
I had read about this a while back. He also refused an award for solving the same problem