Top 10 College Dropouts

TIME Ranks Top 10 Most Successful College Dropouts

Who needs college to be successful? Not these people. Well, I do feel that college is very important, it helps to develop people in many ways, aside from just education, but college is definitely not the only route, not the blueprint to be financially secure, lead a worthwhile life, be happy or anything of the like, but an education is definitely important and college does happen to be the most structured way to obtain one.

This list of people started off in college , had a solid game plan of what they wanted to do in life, something most kids in college don't even think of, have no idea, even senior year a lot dont know what it is that they want to do and even upon graduation they hop from one thing to the next. I guess there is nothing wrong with that, persay, but having a solid game plan, a mapout goal list, or some sort of direction of one's goals and aspirations surely leads to being like one of these fine folks. Check out who made the TIME's cut and check out the full article:

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