Civilization by Marco Brambilla

What in the hell? Well, literally hell. Check this video out by Marco Brambilla called "Civilization" giving us a visual of the transitioning of the levels from hell to heaven using modern day computer graphics. I forewarn you, it's really crazy and some of your heads may be spinning after taking a look. I had to view it a few times and still, I missed a lot. Makes you wonder, we are all on our way out; what's next?

i-civilization-video-art-marco-brambillaIn the words of the author:

Civilization depicts a journey from hell to heaven interpreted through modern film language using computer-enhanced found footage.
This epic video mural contains over 300 individual channels of looped video blended into a multi-layered seamless tableau of interconnecting images that illustrate a contemporary, satirical take on the concepts of Heaven and Hell.

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